Hessa Buhumaid & Shamma Al Mazrouei Participate in Youth Seminar “Marriage Beyond COVID 19”
حصة بوحميد وشما المزروعي تشاركان في حلقة شبابية عن "الزواج بعد كوفيد 19"

Her Excellency Hessa Bint Essa Buhumaid, Minister of Community Development, emphasized that the "virtual wedding" that has emerged due to current social situations during the past period paved the way towards more positive trends related to future marriage among younger generations. Her Excellency noted that there are positive changes in terms of personal views and societal behavior related to wedding ceremonies to achieve more safe and stable future that supports emirati family cohesion; this is revealed by the solidarity of social entities, youth and parents in taking national and social responsibility to benefit young people and promote sustainable benefits for the whole community.

 This came during Her Excellency’s participation in the youth seminar "Marriage beyond COVID 19" which was held remotely and participated by Her Excellency Shamma Bint Suhail Al Mazrouei, Minister of State for Youth Affairs and members of the Youth Council in the Ministry as well as 200 attendees and followers all over the UAE.

In her opening speech, Her Excellency Hessa Bint Essa Buhumaid, said: “This youth seminar seeks to better reflect the best for the community, family and the UAE youth. We look for a more positive reality towards the concept of marriage among young people by discussing the challenges faced by them when thinking about marriage and highlighting the positive intellectual changes towards the costs of marriage. Her Excellency pointed out that the UAE government's survey to the UAE community about the repercussions of COVID 19, highlighted expectations of a radical change in the social life in the UAE, in terms of building more flexible and adapted societies to future conditions, this encourages us to take national responsibility to make the best use of the current reality into a better future. Her Excellency added that Beyond COVID 19, there are many changes at the social level, we already experienced some of it and are expected to live with other social changes in the short and long terms, everyone is encouraged to select the coherence of the society and family.

Her Excellency Hessa Bint Essa Buhumaid, explained that organizing weddings at lowest possible costs is not a defect or default. The UAE society grew up on the concepts of weddings cost saving and accepting what is less without causing any financial overburdens on the groom; and encouraging the younger generations with more challenges towards the future. This sustainable development core element promotes family stability and cohesion, enhances understanding between spouses and will definitely have a direct impact on their well-being, tranquility and sustainable affection.

Her Excellency referred to the provided support by the UAE wise leadership for young future spouses through the marriage grant to achieve happiness and well-being to the UAE nationals and build a stable and cohesive family. The goal of the grant is to help young people (males and females) to start their marriage and family lives with stability, tranquility and safety, along with raising their awareness of family life after marriage. Through its development role, the Ministry seeks to achieve a positive impact on young people and next generations towards non-exaggerated costs of wedding ceremonies and give the UAE community the opportunity to get married at lowest costs and expenses without the need to organize wedding ceremonies and book wedding halls for large costs, this does not support the future of young people, and does not create a cornerstone of a cohesive Emirati family.

Furthermore, Shamma Bint Suhail Al Mazrouei, Minister of State for Youth Affairs, said: “The UAE is keen to facilitate all possibilities to help young people get married, ensure the establishment of Emirati families and support social cohesion in the UAE. The concept of marriage has seen several new effects due to novel COVID 19 pandemic and its effects all over the world in all fields. These effects provided young people the opportunities to rethink of the mechanism of marriage procedures in the UAE society, whereas, COVID 19 imposed the cancellation of many activities due to the social distancing procedures including marriage ceremonies”.

Her Excellency noted that despite these negative effects, the crisis brought good opportunities to reconsider the costs of weddings and organize a simple ceremony that marks the beginning of a stable and happy marriage. She urged young future spouses and their parents to reformulate their concepts of marriage demands and requirements by making the basic preparations for the establishment of a marriage home and psychologically prepare young people for a new life and challenges to help them create a stable Emirati family, and create a new model that reflects the real meanings of marriage in the UAE.

The youth seminar moderated by Fatema Al Menhali, member of the youth councils allowed the young people to share different views on the concept of marriage and the impact of COVID 19 on future community behavior. The participants discussed a range of topics such as: the concept of marriage among young people, the challenges faced by young people when thinking about marriage, positive intellectual changes during COVID 19 towards marriage costs, the impact of COVID 19 on the negative behavior among community members such exaggerated costs of wedding ceremonies. The Participants also addressed the responsibilities of young future spouses and parents to reconsider the excessive costs of marriage.

The participants shared a set of positive ideas as a result of the impact of COVID 19 on the young people about marriage, in addition to the importance of enhancing the concept of marriage and its basic requirements among young people, and intensifying media awareness about the costs of marriage, in order to achieve family stability towards building a cohesive family community that is more understanding, more financially and socially secure.